Getting Started

  1. Install Auteur using Homebrew or Golang. Instructions are available in the Installation section.
  2. Naviage to a directory containing markdown files or code comments
  3. Run Auteur via a simple command line:

Important: Comments should follow the Auteur syntax to be included in the generated website.

# Homebrew
# or for Go
go run

Auteur is also available as a Homebrew formule

Markown Pages

Auteur supports markdown pages, which can be used to generate static content as you would a traditional static site generator.

Simply add markdown files to the directory you are running Auteur from, and they will be included in the generated website.

Example file structure:


Writing Comments

To register a comment as a page, a comment should contain an @auteur tag to indicate that it should be included in the generated website.


package main

import "fmt"

// @auteur
// # Welcome to Auteur
// This is a sample page
func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

Specifying the path

To specify the path of the generated page directly within the @auteur annotation, you can add a string argument to the annotation. This string argument should represent the desired path for the page.


package main

import "fmt"

// @auteur("/my-subpage/my-subsubpage")
// # Custom Path Page
func main() {
 fmt.Println("Hello, World!")


Auteur also supports frontmatter in the form of a YAML object at the beginning of a comment block. This allows to control:

  • The title of the page
  • The order in which the content appears
  • The path to the page
  • Whether the page should be ignored or not


package main

import "fmt"

// @auteur
// ---
// title: Welcome to Auteur
// order: 1
// path: /welcome
// ---
// # Hello
// This is a sample page

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello, World!")